Library A guide to agile communication The traditional approach to comms is to do a lot of planning up front. Many teams will embark on a “comms strategy”, or perhaps write a set of “comms principles”, and then set about filling a calendar or grid with expected messages at expected times. Most of these are unnecessary when doing comms for agile work and agile teams.
Library Internet-era ways of working Our definition of digital says: “Applying the culture, processes, business models & technologies of the internet-era to respond to people’s raised expectations.” Once they’ve heard that, the next thing people always ask us is: “OK. But how? How do I make that happen in my organisation?”
Library What makes someone a good digital leader? ...people from across the Government Digital Service reflect on the role that digital leaders can have in transformation and the qualities a good digital leader should have.
Library How we use OKRs on GOV.UK "Objectives and key results (OKRs) is a simple tool to create measurable goals for agile teams. It provides a framework for defining objectives, how teams will achieve those outcomes, and tracking their progress. It’s a light-touch way of setting goals and focus.
Library Blogging and working in the open There’s lots of ways of working in the open, blogging is just one of them.
Library What a digital organisation looks like There’s been a lot of work to define what a good digital service looks like (see for example the government’s Digital Service Standard). It’s less obvious what to do if you want to make your whole organisation digital, and there are even fewer success stories to model yourself on.