DQM online self assessment [alpha]

This is a prototype of an online self assessment for the digital quality model.

It doesn’t provide the kind of in-depth research and analysis that a full assessment provides, but it helps to show how the model works, and will provide you with some pointers on where your organisation might need to put some effort in to make things better.

Before undertaking the self assessment, it’s a really good idea to first familiarise yourself with the model by reading through the documentation, which will help put it all in context and help understand the purpose of the questions, and so on.

There are 30 questions in total, and if you are putting proper thought into it (rather than just testing the tool out!), the whole process ought to take at least 30 minutes.

DQM online assessment

Before we start

Are you just testing this out, or giving it a proper go?
Knowing this will help us understand how the tool is being used.


Our senior leadership have a deep understanding of the potential of digital.
Our senior leadership receive regular request regular performance updates on digital services.
Our senior leadership foster the right environment for successful digital work.


There is a clear strategy in place for digital, that is well understood throughout the organisation.
The strategy focuses on outcomes rather than operational detail.
The strategy is regularly referenced in decision making and prioritisation calls.


We see culture change as a core component of digital work.
We are making use of user centred design and agile delivery approaches.
We are committed to and active in open working and collaboration.


There is a clear, well understood, and adhered to decision-making process for digital.
Governance, including procurement, for digital is an enabler rather than a blocker to progress.
Prioritisation is dealt with corporately, transparently, and with all the relevant stakeholder involved.


Our digital team is of the right size to meet the ambitions of the organisation.
Our structure includes emerging roles and skills needed for good digital work.
We have access to specialist skills from the market in a timely and affordable manner.


Our technology infrastructure and devices are robust, resilient, and fit for purpose
Our core systems are well implemented, maintained, and are being fully utilised.
We are able to experiment with emerging technologies to support innovation across the organisation.


We have a corporately understood approach to realising the opportunities data brings.
We have the appropriate data related skills and technology in place to meet our ambitions.
We have a data-informed corporate culture that uses evidence to improve decision-making and service design.


Our online presence meets accessibility standards.
Our online information and services provide a consistent, high-quality user experience.
Our online services are digitised end-to-end by integrating into back office systems and processes.


The importance of good user centred service design is well embedded across our organisation.
We are have the right people and the right amount of time to redesign services to meet user needs.
Our user centred service design approach is documented and socialised across the organisation.


Our digital projects have good track record in terms of delivering benefits and outcomes.
We are able to use the appropriate delivery methodology for the right pieces of work.
New delivery approaches such as agile, are well understood across the organisation.

About you

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