Podcast Join the Change Makers – every month, online! 15 January, 2025 My good friend Carl Haggerty and I are really pleased to be kicking off a new monthly thing - The Change Makers. The first one is on Tuesday, 28th January 2025 at 11am and you can sign up for it now. We'll be having a fairly open conversation about the broad topic of organisational change…
Library Bringing innovation methods to local government Over the past year, our journey towards bolstering our innovation practice has been both rewarding and insightful. As you might expect, our focus on innovation is not merely about adopting new technologies or data platforms, but about creating a culture that embraces continuous improvement.
Library A guide to agile communication The traditional approach to comms is to do a lot of planning up front. Many teams will embark on a “comms strategy”, or perhaps write a set of “comms principles”, and then set about filling a calendar or grid with expected messages at expected times. Most of these are unnecessary when doing comms for agile work and agile teams.
Library Blogging and working in the open There’s lots of ways of working in the open, blogging is just one of them.
Library Digital is something you are If you’re a leader or a manager of people, part of your job is telling them that they’re allowed to think and behave that way. Most people, in most organisations, will be nervous of doing so unless they have permission from whoever’s in charge. So if you’re in charge, grant that permission. If you want your organisation to change, or if you want to bring about true transformation, grant your people the freedom to think and behave in new ways.
Library What a digital organisation looks like There’s been a lot of work to define what a good digital service looks like (see for example the government’s Digital Service Standard). It’s less obvious what to do if you want to make your whole organisation digital, and there are even fewer success stories to model yourself on.